28 June 2024
Woohoo! Welcome to the Peterborough website brought to you by the Peterborough Residents' Group. We hope you find it useful and informative. Peterborough is growing and we want the Peterborough of the future to reflect what we know is important about the place that we live.
Peterburrites love this place: the fresh sea air, the sound of the ocean, the majesty of the landscape and the beauty of nature. It is the one thing we all agree on. We value what we have and want to protect that. So, the purpose of this website is designed to unite us in what we value.
The aim is to have a website that meets our needs. To that end there will be this blog, a monthly e-newsletter and the events pages, this should help keep us all informed and up to date. The webpages are designed to be informative. The drop down tabs across the top have information related to the subject matter, for example, the 'Residents' tab contains information like who in town offers a service or a trade. We want the visitors to Peterborough understand how they can enjoy or place and can remind them of important information such as protecting the plovers at Main Beach and elsewhere. The 'Environment' tab provides evidence based information on the various environment issues, that can help us all keep up to date on the various different concerns whether it is blue green algae or coastal wattle.
Our neighbouring communities will also have the opportunity to develop their own pages on our website, afterall we are one small place surrounded by other small places and we neighbours.
There is the opportunity for you all to provide feedback and your positive engagement is welcome.
If you would like to volunteer for the website group and learn how it all works, please contact me, Barb Mullen, at 0409 952 754.