Crofts Beach
At the end of the beach the holes carved into the cliff to hold small boats, can be seen.
Crofts beach is rather isolated, a perfect place to feel alone with the sand, sea and sky. It forms a gentle crescent and the western end is of particular importance to Peterborough's past. It was here that families had shacks that year after year they kept for the school holidays when the place resonated with the sound of children playing, adults calling out and enjoying the great outdoors. Today you can see the evidence of this in the large holes carved into the rock face where small boats where stored above the sea line, just waiting to be taken out for a spot of fishing and to check the lobster traps.
Today, we protect our park for everyone to enjoy.
- Best experienced on a calm day since it is open to the ocean, and the south westerly winds can be cold and strong.
- This spot is wonderful for a sunset view in the ocean, wide open skies and seas.
- There are three carparks to this beach, each one leads to a different aspect:
- the first carpark shows the broad scope of the beach and has a great view;
- the second carpark has a great stroll through the sand dunes and native garden, it includes spots to enjoy the warmth of the sun in the protection of the dunes;
- the last carpark leads to the holes in the cliff face carved by the generation before, to keep their small boats secure.
- this is the last beach for this section of the coastline;
- please leave only your footsteps and take your rubbish home with you
- if you are walking through the undergrowth please be careful where you place your feet, it is easy to kill plants who struggle to survive in this harsh environment.