Annual General Meeting of the PRG
At 5pm, on Thursday, 23 January 2025, in the Peterborough Hall,
the Annual General Meeting of the Peterborough Residents' Group will be held.
This is the first AGM to be held in summer and we hope that this gives more people the opportunity to attend. It has been a big year for your Committee and much work has been undertaken on behalf of the resident's of our hamlet and surrounds; the current Chairperson, Matt Bowden will present his annual report to the community. We are inviting a Council representative to speak to us on the proposed development for the Old Peterborough Road, so we will have the latest update on that project.
The AGM is the opportunity to elect the committee for 2025, and nomination forms will be available to the meeting on the day. If you would like to nominate, please arrive a few minutes early to complete a nomination form.
Finally, before you nominate or vote at the AGM, please make sure you are a financial member. When the time of the AGM was changed from mid year to January, everyone was given six months extra membership. Most of us now need to may our annual membership fees before the AGM, and this will cover everyone until January 2026 when the fees become due again.